Saturday, June 25, 2011

Good Day

The new Brooklyn waterfront park is a thing of beauty. And I say that as a person who has his fair share of grievances with the city (don't get me started about the MTA). However, the city has scored big with the park, and, even though it's not complete, it's popularity is evidenced in the shrieks and laughs of kids at play, and the satisfied smiles of watchful parents.

Mylo is a huge fan of sandbox village, where his grandma Claire frequently takes him, and of the water lab, where his grandma Claire also takes him, but where Reedu and I took him this afternoon-- sorry to move in on your turf Ma!

And after a little late-afternoon nap, we finished off the day with a Trader Joe's mini-hold-the-cone ice cream cone.

Now that's a good day!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

New Photos

Alright, I know I'm biased but is the kid naturally photogenic or what? I wanted to post just one or two of these and I couldn't! I had to post all four! Ridiculous.

He Walks! (sort of)

The steering mechanism is going to take a little fine-tuning, but I'd say, overall, the engine is a thing of beauty.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

GP's in the House!

Until recently, my impression of grandparents was based largely on traditional images of wise, nurturing, huggable old people (think Wilford Brimley in the movie Cocoon) taking their grandchildren on nature walks or dispensing some vitally important life lesson before tucking them into bed and saying goodnight. I'm not exactly sure where these bizarrely cliche impressions came from since, looking back, I realize that I never really had any kind of meaningful relationship with my grandparents. Perhaps I watched one too many Hallmark Movies of the Week. Regardless, I'm happy to report that Mylo's relationship with his grandparents is blossoming into something very special.

When Dianne, Claire, Ghassan, or Alain come through the front door Mylo screams with excitement and reaches out to grab them. He relishes their visits and his love for them is unmistakeable. They each bring different things into his life-- different foods, cultures, languages, games, and songs-- that I know are helping to make him a healthier, happier, stronger person and so I'm filled with a gratitude that I find hard to put into words. Suffice it to say that his life would be considerably less enriched without their involvement.

Of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention how much they help me out too. When I'm most exhausted or when I'm leaving for work and don't have any time, they swoop in and take Mylo out for a walk or to the park or some other fun-filled activity. Aside from heaping doses of love, they also bring food, diapers, toys and an enormous amount of material support that I probably wouldn't have the time or the money to buy. And, in fear of getting sappy, they make me understand what the old saying 'it takes a village' really means.  

So here's a shout-out to all the GP's! I salute you, I thank you, I seriously appreciate you. From the bottom of my heart I say: Thank you Dianne! Thank you Claire! Thank you Ghassan! Thank you Alain!

Grandma Claire spreading the love
Granna Dianna hugging it up

Hacking around with Sidi Ghassan
Meeting of the Minds with Grandpa Alain
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