Monday, September 5, 2011

Birthday Video

I've been MIA on the blog lately mostly because I've been working on this video. I intended it to be finished by Mylo's birthday on August 9th, however, it took a little longer than expected. Dirty diapers, work deadlines, my ever-needy handicapped pitbull, and a host of other daily travails held me up. 

Aside from marking Mylo's first year of life this video also marks my evolving use of cameras. It was started in 2010 on my Blackberry phone, it progressed into 2011 on my iPhone, and it was finished this summer with my Canon 60D HDSLR. In the end, it's more of a slideshow than a video, but there's not much I can do about that. Unfortunately, Blogger only allows video uploads of 100Mg or less, so this video is seriously compressed. If you want to see a higher res version click here.

Lastly, it's been a true joy to put this together. A labor of love. People always tell me how quickly time flies when you're watching your kids grow and if this first year is any indication, that is frighteningly true. As I look back at early photos of Mylo, I can hardly believe how fast he's developed. Putting this together has allowed me to go back and savor many of the sweetest moments that flew by with the speed of life.

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